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  • Cat Healing- Music, Essential Oils, Energy Communication

Cat Healing- Music, Essential Oils, Energy Communication

Beyond Conventional Medicine

Wellness comes in many forms!

Ever wonder why we are so attracted to cats? Beyond mere physical beauty, softness, or just plain adorable-ness, there is an immutable sense of allure that draws us to our feline companions we cannot deny. How we can use these unseen forces to bring calm and healing to our beloved companions- and our own lives as well?
What if we take a step back and consider non-physical ways to help our cats and kittens. Not every aspect of healing takes place in the physical body alone. Thoughts and emotions play a huge role in how healthy or sick cats become, just as with humans. So much of this gets overlooked in our rush to care for physical ailments, so we wanted to share with you non-physical ways you can connect with and help your cats and kittens feel better, from the inside out.

But it’s not only a one-way street. Cats also bring humans great healing and comfort at the material level. They do care, and care very deeply. The purr of a cat is used in cancer wards to help regrow human bones. It is also very effective in lowering human blood pressure. In fact, there are websites dedicated to the purr of a cat to bring peace and healing to their minds.

For centuries, healers have used the power of sound in their work. It is believed that certain frequencies or tones of sound can have varying healing effects on the body. Here are some of the ways that purrs might help humans with health concerns:

  • Purring releases endorphins in cats, and it can do the same thing in humans, too. Lowered stress hormones are helpful for healing, lowering blood pressure, and helping people cope with illness, too.

  • Cat purring has been shown to fall between 25 and 140 Hz. The same frequency has been shown to aid in the healing of broken bones, joint and tendon repair, and wound healing. Cats are well-known for their ability to heal quickly from their own broken bones, and the incidences of joint problems and bone cancer in cats are low. It's possible that cat purrs can help humans heal faster, too.

  • Clinical observations of cats that are suffering from upper respiratory conditions resulting in dyspnea, or trouble breathing, indicate that purring helps the cat breathe more easily. In fact, respiratory distress related to heart disease isn't nearly as common in cats as it is in dogs and humans. A person with respiratory problems might also be able to breathe easier if a purring cat is nearby.

  • There are many stories of people with migraines whose headaches are eased or extinguished when they lie with their heads close to purring cats.

So, how does this relate to us helping our cats? For one, it’s important to understand we have relationships with our cats. They give much more to us than we realize. We don’t “own” them and therefore have the right to subject them to our whims. They do contribute real value to our lives. They are not annoying fuzz-balls who simply occupy our spaces “rent-free” as many memes suggest. They do demonstrate great love towards us, even by their very vibrations! Understanding this dynamic allows for higher energies to flow between us. It also creates an awareness that not everything we do for the ones we love needs to be on a purely physical level . Let’s look at 3 healing modalities that have mental, physical, and emotional impacts on our cats.


There is a growing compilation of music set to frequencies that bring peace to our cats during tough times. It is all over the internet, both to download, purchase, and on music platforms. There is free music on YouTube like this which can be helpful to keep on in the background or while away from home. This music from Barry Goldstein is all about ambiology and is what I personally keep on replay near my cats when they are sick. It’s quite powerful, and responsible for helping several of our critically-ill cats recover. Here is another one we like in our house:

Essential oils can be nothing short of lifesaving for cats, but where to begin? We love Dr. Janet Roark’s work. She is a veterinarian and the proud owner of Hill Country Mobile Veterinary Service in Austin, Texas. She started using essential oils for her own health after battling physical as well as emotional struggles related to stress. Essential oils have quite literally changed her life forever, and because of that, she has to tell everyone she meets about them. She has dedicated herself to educating others about the safe and effective use of essential oils for animals and the people who own and love them! She has helped tens of thousands of people use natural options including essential oils to improve the quality of life and wellness of their animals. If you are curious to learn more, she has an upcoming webinar, some of the details which are below:

7-Day Happy Healthy Cat Challenge Outline
(November 27th - December 3, 2023)

This is the first two days of the challenge:

What oils can we use with cats? What oils can't we use? How am I supposed to know how to use them? How much is too much? Day 1 we will cover the basics of safety and delve deep into why and how to use essential oils with your feline friends. We will start our journey on stress management as well!


What the heck do I feed my cat? How do I know what is right? What supplements should I give? During this day we'll share the #1 Oil to use to ensure your cat stays healthy throughout their life with a strong foundation of health - starting with food. You'll also get a BONUS: DIY recipe as well!…..More information can be found here at her website

Direct Energy Communication

Our energies matter to our cats- a lot. Cats in homes with a person with cancer is five times more likely to have a chronic health condition that cats in homes with healthy humans. They are energy sponges who have been known since ancient times to transmute energies and their abilities to connect with the unseen realms. This is why cats were treated with the utmost devotion in ancient Egypt, Japan, religious temples across the globe. We can tap in to these energies today within ourselves and the cats in our lives.

Connecting with your cat can be as simple as sitting down, taking some slow, deep breaths, closing your eyes and focusing your mind on your cat’s energy. You can visualize a healing blue bubble surrounding your cat’s energy field and their body in perfect health. It may help to gently touch your cat during this time, but it is not necessary. Energies being sent back and forth between you and your cat- when done in grounded calmness and love, is a powerful form of connection and demonstration of the bond you share. It will bring great comfort to your cat, even if it is only for a few minutes a day. There are wonderful guides who can assist you if you want to learn more. Here are two:

From Lynn McKenzie:
At a soul level, even if just beyond your current awareness, you know that attuning to the magic, insight and wisdom that all sentient beings wish to share with humanity is a vital part of your purpose.

Whether you are looking to understand your animal companions at a deeper level, establish a clear connection with their souls in the afterlife, or wish to access the greater spiritual reasons they’re in your life now, you’ve come to the right place!

From Julie-Anne at Naturally Cats
I help empathic and highly sensitive cat guardians that are spiritually curious and open to learning about energy work deepen their connection with their cat.

Do you feel there is more you can do for your cat?

Do you want to know what your cat is thinking or feeling?

Do you get stuck in your head and worry about your cat from dawn to dusk?

Are you desperate to do more for your cat to stop it suffering?

We hope this helps you on your cats’ healing journeys. We believe the body is made up of many components, not just flesh and blood. What we have shared with you today is beyond mere physical body treatments, and may be difficult to work with if your cat is in an critical healing crisis. But that doesn’t make these modalities any less powerful or effective. We have seen cats on the brink of death recover with the addition of focused intention and music where all conventional therapies weren’t working. If you have tried any of these therapies on your own cats, hit “reply” and let us know! Or leave message in the comments.

In the next newsletter we are going to tackle some issues very relevant to this time of year, namely cat flu. It may be FCV, herpesvirus, or other similar viruses. However it manifests in your cats or kittens, coughing and sneezing could be nothing to worry about, or life-threatening. Sometimes they symptoms can be frustrating to figure out! We will help you navigate the feline flu-season in a practical way. Until then, be well, and Always Be Curious!

-The Healed Cat Team


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