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  • Coconut Oil, Part I- Why Every Feline Household Needs It

Coconut Oil, Part I- Why Every Feline Household Needs It

Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Fur, Fleas, First-Aid- affordable and effective

Cats love coconut oil

Welcome cat guardians!

Today we are going to cover one of the most affordable, powerful, versatile addition to any feline medicine cabinet. Something that can treat Feline Calivirus, kill fleas and ear mites, clear congestion and sneezing, assist in worming, as well as ameliorate the symptoms of feline hyperesthesia. Yes, the humble but mighty coconut oil.

The full list of uses and dosing suggestions is simply be too much for one newsletter, so we will break it up over 2 or 3 parts. In Part I, we want to show you some powerful benefits and reasons why every feline household needs some on hand at all times.

So, what are the benefits of coconut oil and its counterpart, MCT oil? Let us count some ways!

  1. Antibacterial antiviral, antifungal properties

  2. Yeast infection remedy

  3. Kills fleas and ear mites

  4. digestion and help with gastrointestinal issues

  5. soothing inflammation and promoting nutrient absorption.

  6. Immune System Support

  7. Oral Health

  8. Ear Health

  9. Natural Energy Source

Coconut Oil or MCT oil? Does it Matter?

We personally use Tropical Tradition’s virgin coconut oil for everyday use- mostly because it does not smell or taste “coconutty” as other brands do. It is essentially flavorless. There are other great brands out there- cold-pressed virgin or extra virgin are best simply because they are less processed and will contain more of the acid chains unaltered from heating.

Coconut oil is chock full of lauric acid, which is excellent for:
-killing fleas (eggs and adults), ear mites
- soothing and healing for eyes, nose, and throat issues from herpesvirus, Feline Calicivirus to reduce sores and inflammation, colds, and allergies.
-Stomatitis in early stages of treatment for the mouth as well as the gut; after few weeks of regular use we recommend switching to MCT oil to keep extra burden off the liver.
-deworming aid: using a small amount rubbed on fur will cause hookworms and tapeworms to detach and be coughed up safely. 
-decongestant: breaks up mucous formations and may trigger an instant detox response through vomiting excess until it is all released
-hot spots/dermatitis: will kill bacteria on skin causing irritation and soothe inflammation, allowing for healing to take place
-hyperesthesia: a neurological condition made worse by a mineral imbalance which causes cats to chew skin incessantly. Will assist calming the “skin crawling” symptoms and help restore a severe electrolyte imbalance.
-hairballs: the safest remedy for allowing hair balls to pass through the body

MCT oil, on the other hand, is another option with specific uses cases slightly different than regular coconut oil. It is distilled coconut oil which contains much higher levels of caprylic acid (instead of the lauric acid predominant in coconut oil). Caprylic acid is is very beneficial for:

-Antifungal remedies: it can help combat yeast infections and candida overgrowth. Great for mouth infections and ears as well.
- Bladder and UTI issues can be supported with this, and may help break up crystals and stones due to the heavy caprylic acid levels
- Terminally ill cats or kittens: caprylic acid is rapidly metabolized in the liver, much faster than traditional coconut oil. Therefore, for very sick or weak cats, MCT oil is recommended to start with.

So how much can I use on my cat and for how long? Are there any precautions or safety concerns?

We’re glad you asked! Coconut oil and MCT oil have been used for a very long time on cats, and their benefits are well-documented. However, as with everything, individual dosing will depend on the health of the cat or kitten and for what purpose. A generally healthy cat suffering from ear mites can tolerate a higher amount of either oil than a sick cat struggling to survive. These oils trigger detoxifying reactions very quickly due to their ability to kill off excess sugars and toxins in the body, so a dehydrated cat or kitten will struggle to move the toxins out of their body without proper fluid support. It is important to remember these oils are medicinal in nature, so more is not always better!

In Part II we will talk more about specific uses and dosing for those who need more specific support before diving in.

Coconut oil has been a literal lifesaver in our journey over the past 20 years with immune-compromised cats and kittens, so we hope this information serves you and your family too! We want to share all the actionable, affordable, and proven treatments we have discovered along the way.

We hope you are finding our newsletter helpful. If there is a specific topic you would like us to cover, please hit “reply” and let us know! Until next time, we wish you and yours the very best.


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