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  • Coconut Oil, Part III- Fleas, Ticks, and Worms- Oh My!

Coconut Oil, Part III- Fleas, Ticks, and Worms- Oh My!

Chemical-free relief for your loved ones

Today we launch in to our third and final discussion of the many, many uses of coconut oil and how it can help the cats and kittens in your life. Also know, it is highly beneficial for humans too! From teeth and mouth issues, sinus congestion, cuts and scrapes- we are never without it. There are several excellent resources for human family members.

But, back to cats! While not always emergencies, fleas, ticks, and worms can cause- as well as be an indication of- poor health. Most of the time we simply opt for the chemical treatments and sprays and be done with it, right? Aside from the potentially deadly side effects of those, using them on kittens or sick cats can set them up for even worse health outcomes for months and years to come. Here is one, US-based company providing excellent products for fleas, ticks, and ear mites for cats, bunnies, homes, kids, and more.

Many of us have certain go-to products we keep around for certain issues, and parasite control is no different. But what happens when you have a sick cat or kitten and can’t use those products, or don’t have them on hand? Again, coconut oil to the rescue!

Skip the Dawn dish soap on kittens, please!

The uses for Dawn go way back before it was used to save birds during the Exxon Valdez crisis in Alaska. It seems to be the go-to cleansing agent for cat and kitten rescuers, swearing by its safety and “gentle” way of drowning fleas.
We won’t go in to all of the reasons this soap is unhealthy and even toxic for a cat or kitten’s highly sensitive skin, but suffice to say bathing a cat or kitten in general is a really bad idea for their wellbeing. So instead of trying to drown parasites off a baby or sick cat, simply grab a flea comb and some coconut oil!

Coconut oil works to kill fleas by the lauric acid that’s present within the coconut. When the lauric acid comes in contact with the flea, the flea's exoskeleton is covered in the oil making it impossible for the flea to move. This ultimately results in the flea's death. The lauric acid kills adult fleas within 20 seconds, and eggs even faster.

How to Use for Fleas:

  1. Using any cat-type flea comb, dip the comb in a small bowl of room-temperature coconut oil

  2. Comb through the cat or kitten’s fur, starting at the top of the neck, using very short, angled strokes to help “scoop” the adult bugs off the skin.

  3. Use a paper towel to wipe the bugs and eggs off the flea comb

  4. Dip back in to the coconut oil and repeat as many times as needed!

Note: this will leave a “wet coat” look on the cat for several days, which can be wiped down with baby wipes or soft paper towels. Sick cats licking the oil off their fur may throw up everything from hairballs, to phlem, to hookworms. This is a normal detox process. A truly wonderful commercial product for fleas for the whole house is Wondercide. We have used them exclusively for 10 years.

For Ticks and Bot flies:

If your cat has a tick or bot fly, their immune system is likely compromised in ways you may not be aware of. Regardless of how they got there- do NOT try and squeeze them out or twist them off your cat. Ticks will release the poisons in their gut in to your cat’s blood stream, which is what leads to Lyme Disease. Always use tweezers for ticks, and be sure to remove the head by pulling straight up and out.. Coconut oil can be applied around the bite with the tick still on, and even on the tick to loosen its grip

For bot flies (they tend to burrow around the neck), the old school remedy has always been vaseline, even motor oil to suffocate the larvae out. Again, do not use either one! The larva can be suffocated to the surface with a thick layer of coconut oil. It may take a few applications, so don’t get discouraged. Once it pushes to the surface to try and breathe, you can quickly remove it with tweezers. Keep the oil on the wound for 2-3 days to promote healing, but only a thin layer, enough to kill infection.

As a Dewormer and for hairballs:

¼ tsp of coconut or MCT oil daily for 5 days in food or on fur to lick off. After a 5 day break, repeat for another 5 day to kill eggs, and repeat a third time if a bad infection is suspected. Hairballs should be released after a few days. After that, no further treatment is needed.
A cat or kitten with worms will cough them out gently with the help of the oil, especially hookworms and tapeworms. It is much better than any conventional wormer. We also use this as a complement to coccidia and giardia treatment, especially in the presence of dehydration and diarrhea. Coconut oil is soothing to the gut and very hydrating as well. We caution against Diatomaceous Earth for sick cats and kittens as it cat destroy lung tissue when inhaled. If you need more support with wormers, we highly, highly recommend Two Crazy Cat Ladies’ WormeX. It is safe, gentle, and effective.

Coming Next: Feline Kidney Disease (CKD) 

In our next newsletter, we will share with you a little more about the heart of a Healed Cat and why we are launching our new Feline Kidney Revive to help cats suffering from renal insufficiency of any kind. Once an “old cat’s disease,” kittens as young as 6 months old are falling prey to this deadly condition. But we at A Healed Cat are going back to basics to show you how you can help your loved ones beat this disease, pharmaceutical and prescription diet-free.

We look forward to sharing this all with you. Until next time remember your ABC’s: Always Be Curious!



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