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- Equinoxes, Eclipses, and Feline Energies
Equinoxes, Eclipses, and Feline Energies
Springtime and Quick Health Tips
Vernal Equinox- Spring is Here!
The Spring Equinox is a joyful holiday centered around rebirth & growth. It is the arrival of spring! The Earth is waking up from a deep sleep.
The dark months are now over & we’re moving into the warmth of the light. (The sun will continue to grow until the Summer Solstice, when it begins its turn inward again.)
With the Spring Equinox your spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for your life. It’s fresh, warm energy has the power to make you feel alive & inspired.
However, the end of winter can sometimes feel a little rocky. The energy shifting from an inward-focus to outwardly-focused can make you feel a bit off-kilter. Implementing changes required in order to grow & flourish, can really disrupt your sense of equilibrium in late winter. But with the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark––bringing the return of some much-needed balance into your own life.
Spring & summer bring powerful growth energy. If you’re not clear on where to focus that energy, it can feel chaotic & overwhelming. Your energy gets pulled in many different directions & it burns you out. So here is something to consider instead!
Approach your daydreams & new ideas with a light-hearted, child-like spirit: if it calls to you … try it! Just go for it. Have fun! This is an energy we are playing with right now. It may or may not resonate with you, but we at least want to check out the cat magick book! After all, the equinox is followed by the full moon eclipse, and full moons always bring out the magic of cats.
The Magic of Cats and the Moon
The cat represents patience, the spirit of adventure, curiosity, independence, and connection with self. The Moon literally moves with us – with you, with me – in a sacred dance that unfolds in even, rhythmic cycles mirroring the cycles of your body, the cycles of the harvest and growth of plants and trees, the cycles of life. There is a reason we are all here connected by our cats. Regardless of religious ideals or lack thereof, there is no question our cats represent something deeply magical and otherworldly in our lives.
The cat as a spirit animal has many meanings. Cats largely symbolize the balance between dualities. This can mean equalizing light and dark, feminine and masculine, inner and outer, action and rest, doing and being, and so forth. Cats are at ease in the darkness and can see without effort what most animals and humans cannot. Cat energy may be prompting you to explore the hidden parts of yourself and the world around you, trusting your spiritual eye to see with ease in the dark.

Courtesy of Fine Art America
There are near endless anecdotal stories and accounts by owners of their cats acting strangely during the full moon. And there have been several studies that may back this up. The University of Colorado, College of Veterinary Medicine conducted research and concluded that cats were 30% more likely to become injured near or during the full moon. Another, unsubstantiated study claimed that there is a 23% increase in cat visits to veterinary clinics during the full moon.
Other than visiting pet emergency and medical centers more often, owners often report specific actions or behaviors for their cats during the full moon. These typically include hiding, often in very unusual or abnormal spots for them where they don’t normally hide. Another reported behavior is cats being very clingy and attached to their owners, even when they are usually aloof or not very cuddly or loving very often.
Additionally, owner’s have reported that, during the full moon, their cats do or experience the following:
Higher levels of restlessness
Greater playfulness
Are more mischievous
Enjoy the company of other cats more than normal
Meow more and are generally louder
Do you notice your cats or kittens doing anything out of the ordinary on full moons? If so, share your stories with us. We’d love to hear them. This full moon lunar eclipse upcoming on the 25th would be an excellent day to find out, as eclipses are cosmic energies on steroids!
Springtime Health Tips
If your cats or kittens seem to be sniffling more than usual, it could be an indication of a springtime allergy, or an existing Feline Herpesvirus (FHV-1) or Feline Calicivirus (FCV) flare-ups. We experience a combination of all three in our household, especially in our older cats who were all born in Virginia and came with us to Texas. The pollen is already awful where we are, and all the adult cats seem to be struggling. We have discussed the different types of cat flu here and here, as well as what you can do at home to help! Here are some quick ideas that can help your cats ( and humans!) during this time:
(Note- these links are purely for informational purposes based on what we use personally- we do ZERO affiliate marketing)
Apple Cider Vinegar in a cold air humidifier
We use half a cup of ACV in a cold air hunidifier to help reduce congestion and inflammation, especially at night!TSP of Zinc and Silver water in a personal nebulizer
We mix the two in a nebulizer and place it next to our cats who are having a hard time breathing- 1 minute if possible. We don’t try to put this over the cat’s face.Coconut oil for goopy or irritated eyes
A tip of the pinky amount is great for both eyes, once daily for a week does wonders to help irritated eyes. (we use the brand highlighted as it does not have a “coconut” taste or smell!)Collagen Powder to boost the immune system
Collagen is a beautiful and powerful alternative to lysine, an amino acid frequently given to cats to combat respiratory issues. The problem is- lysine is single amino acid which destroys the stomach lining over time. It’s caustic on its own. However, collagen protein provides all the needed aminos in proper balance. We personally use a scoop of the Bulletproof brand every day, as it goes in our coffee too! It is a long term remedy for multiple health concerns.
Recent studies have shown that our feline friends are capable of extraordinary abilities like predicting natural disasters, sensing illnesses, and even communicating with the spirit world.
But wait, there's more! Cats are also known to have a calming effect on humans, reducing stress levels and improving our overall well-being. It's no wonder they've been worshipped as divine creatures throughout history.
So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to be spellbound by your furry companions and witness their supernatural prowess firsthand. Don't miss out on this incredible phenomenon and join the millions of cat lovers around the world who appreciate these magical creatures. Remember, cats are not just pets, they're mystical beings with powers beyond our imagination."
Wishing you and yours a lovely equinox and eclipse season, filled with the warmth a light of spring!
-Tiffany and A Healed Cat Team