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Weekly Wisdom from Naturally Cats
Our cat Lena shares her wisdom
Today’s newsletter is a departure from the normal tips and tactics we like to share for physical well-being. Today is all about connecting with your cat’s energetic wisdom- ways to gain insights beyond traditional elixirs, surgeries, and frantic vet visits. After all, is this what they really need from us all the time?
How do we learn what THEY want and need? Holistic Cat Therapist Julie-Anne Thorne gave me some valuable insights in to one of our family cat’s heart and mind that blew me away. This is Lena’s story.
This was a precious insight from Naturally Cats about our beloved Lena. Holistic Cat Therapist Julie-Anne Thorne is an empath and energy intuitive, which is slightly different from an animal communicator as she is simply picking up on messages and insights cats wish to share with their human guardians. I simply submitted to her a photo of my oldest son’s beloved cat, Lena, and she provided information about Lena’s experience that was truly meaningful and helpful. Her video is posted below.
This reading brought tears to my eyes. Ms. Thorne was not given any details about Lena or how she came to be in our lives prior to this session. She had no idea that Lena was adopted with her brother from a large Mennonite family dairy farm in rural Virginia at 3 months old after a dramatic family situation my kids and I had recently faced. Or how she grieved deeply after being taken from that extended family of 8 young girls who loved all the many cats on their farm. She also did not know that all the cats in our home- including her brother- all died from FIP, FeLV, FCV, and/or pneumonia within the first year and a half of meeting Lena.
In retrospect, Lena hasn’t had the easiest of lives as a part of our family. She had an unexpected litter of kittens- all of whom died from Limping Calici very early on. Unfortunately this is how we learned about it, but it was too late to save them. She had birthed them next to my son’s pillow, refusing to allow them to be moved. My son has always been the human love of her life- and he used to have a dark green blanket that he shared with her at night, so it is no surprise she is asking for another one.
Her children’s death saw Lena living outside in a nearby tree for several months, refusing to come in the house. We adopted new abandoned baby kittens to try and ease her sorrow. But the joy was short-lived. They also turned out to be progressive FeLV positive and died young as well. Then her last living best friend cat, Marco, died hours before we hit the road to move cross-country. He had lived 4 years with FIP- and Lena went from hating Marco in the beginning to loving him dearly. Babies from an abandoned truck parking lot did make her happy- the surviving kitten is still her best friend until today.
In summary, we have all been through a lot, and Lena got lost in the shuffle.
Giving our cats and kittens a voice is a precious gift, and we are deeply grateful to Ms. Thorne for sharing her gifts to help Lena through some challenges she is facing right now. I did not understand how much she needed her own space with dark green, or that how being separated from her family as a kitten deeply impacted her entire life. Her requesting a dark green blanket seemed odd at first listen, but upon reflecting I realized that as a kitten she and her brother had a dark green fuzzy blanket on my kids’ bed they used to sleep on. I had no idea this was important for her now too!
There are many different schools of thought on receiving insights and communicating with animals, even though it has been done for thousands of years. I was once skeptical myself, until I realized that human beings are not the only creatures in the Universe capable of higher thought. It is only a language barrier that separates us from communicating directly with each and every thing around us. Lena’s story is one of millions out there- and I am so grateful I was able to hear her true voice and needs for the first time. It’s not at all what I though she would have wanted or needed.
If you would like Julie-Anne to connect with your cat and offer insights, there are links in the video to do so. Also, I will be buying her book, Cat Chakras, A Complete Guide to Clearing, Cleansing, and Balancing your Cat’s Core Energy Centres.
We hope sharing Lena’s story was helpful to you on your journey with your own cats and kittens. They have so much wisdom to share with us if we can give them agency to do so. Communication comes in many forms- not just human words. Sometimes it’s as simple as a gaze or a certain kind of meow or purr- and you feel an instant connection, an instant knowing of something from your cat that cannot be expressed in words. May you have many, many such experiences with your cats, and many love-filled years to come.
Until next time, be well and remember- Always Be Curious!

Lena says to her adopted baby Roberto, “don’t touch my Christmas box!”