A Few of our Favorite Things- Cat Edition

A Little Health and Comfort for the Holidays!

While you may or may not be a fan of the Julie Andrews holiday song, we know for many the holiday season has nonetheless arrived! And there are many beautiful, wild, and crazy things you can buy for you and your cats to share. Today we wanted to share with you a few of our absolute must-haves within our own cat family. Enjoy!

FeLife- an all-purpose remedy for every cat’s medicine cabinet

If you have been subscribed to our newsletter for any time, you are already aware how much we love this product. We can’t talk about it enough.
While it has been used for healing protocols specifically for FeLV and FIV, we have found many use cases for this incredible immune system support.

  1. Vaccine detox- The primary ingredient in FeLife is thuja, which Dr. Patricia Jordan, a cat-focused veterinarian, wrote a detailed paper in 2011 how it could be used for vaccine detoxification. We have used it this way after our Roberto was given a rabies vaccine without our consent and began reacting badly. It saved his life. FVRCP, which we wrote about earlier, is also a common one which can cause severe reactions.

  2. Clindamycin replacement- the antibiotic clindamycin has well-known complications in humans as well as cats- everything from kidney damage to diarrhea and lymph swelling- yet is readily available in veterinarian offices and continues to be prescribed for nearly suspected infection imaginable. Luckily, FeLife is an awesome, non-toxic alternative! For example: we used it post- deep mouth surgery (where bacterial infection had already set in), twice a day for a week- infection, swelling, and redness cleared up and never returned.

  3. Skin conditions- skin conditions can range from flea anemia, feline hyperesthesia, food additive sensitivities, contact dermatitis, and many more. But what happens when treatments for any of these labels just don’t seem to be working? FeLife to the rescue! If your cat will not allow you to place the dropper directly in their mouths, simply wipe two droppersful twice daily directly on the fur. A week or two later you will see definitive results either way.

  4. Cat flu- cats or kittens coughing, sneezing, goopy eyes, or just plain not interested in food as much? We talked about the cat flu here and things you can do to help your little ones feel better. FeLife is our go-to for the season!
    Example: FeLife has been awesome for our FeLV/FCV momma cat who is constantly sneezing and experiencing deep congestion at seasonal intervals throughout the year. She literally cannot smell enough to eat without it and our apple cider vinegar diffusion.

  5. FIV/FeLV/FIP- these are very sensitive diagnoses which strike fear in to any cat guardian’s heart. Cats and kittens battling these illnesses all over the world is why we exist today, so we are extremely cautious as to what we recommend when working through these viruses. FeLife has been instrumental in restoring the immune systems of FeLV and FIV cats, and current studies are ongoing to help cats battling FIP as well. Of course more bloodwork and _ are needed to confirm healing from FIP, but testimonial evidence does exist for sucessfully treating FeLV and FIV in tandem with Proboost. If your cat is battling any of these illnesses, let us know in the comments or reply to this newsletter and we will be happy to share more detailed case studies with you!

As you can see, FeLife is a highly potent and purposeful immunity support to keep on hand for your cats and kittens, and something we cannot recommend enough! It has been life-saving in our home, and we rely on it heavily with our special needs cats.

Holiday Oils and Cats

We love using essential oils around the house. Thankfully we were never able to use the brand-name plug-ins like Glade or Febreeze, as the reports of how these chemicals cause neurological issues in cats keep surfacing. If you have chemical fragrances in your home, you should consider getting rid of them immediately to protect your cats’ health. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use real essential oils to brighten your home’s energy!

When using essential oils, we recommend using tested as pure essential oils only. Most of the oils sold are not anywhere close to human grade. MANY essential oils are adulterated with chemicals that are very toxic for pets to breathe in. Dr Janet Rorke uses and recommends doTERRA products, but there are other safe brands out there. We also use incense sticks infused with real essential oils as well, as they work quickly to bring fresh scents in to the house!

If your pet has an adverse reaction to any scent- such as red eyes, watery eyes, or panting more than normal, turn off the diffuser and get your pet some fresh air right away. Take note of what oil you are diffusing and know that your pet may be sensitive to that particular oil. Every animal is an individual and some are more sensitive than others. Here is an excellent guide to get started!

Blanket Time

For this special time of year, blankets and beds of all shapes and sizes cover many surfaces of our home. There are some beautiful, premium beds out there fit for any royal cat family to be sure! But with multiple cats, dogs, and kids, we tend to take a more sensible approach to handling the colder months of the Northern Hemisphere. These are a few ideas your cat might enjoy!

  1.  Calming Cat Bed Donut- Etsy- our cats love this bed (we should have bought 7 of them) ! What we like: the colors are especially vibrant, and helpful when working with feline energy systems. We recently learned from cat therapist Julie-Anne Thorne that our Lena was asking for a dark green blanket to help her overcome some deep trauma. This bed comes in the perfect shade of green, as well as others your cat may resonate with!

  2. Fuzzy Cove Cat Bed-Etsy- this is one on our must-try list, given all of the rave reviews we have received about it. Humans love the colors, and cats love the warmth and natural fibers.

  3.  Aldi’s- Adult Wearable blanket- any cat family knows how much they love to be warm, but so should we, especially when it’s cold outside! With this wearable blanket, everyone wins. Warm, washable, and affordable. It’s a win win purchase!

And what would a favorite things list be without some mention of holiday food? While these are not for cats, these cookies are absolutely adorable and can be made quickly and in many color variations. Attending a holiday party? Why not bring some cute cats with you. They ship from PA and they are excellent to work with!

Holiday cat cookies- what’s not to love?

We look forward to hearing your feedback, thoughts, and comments. What are some of your favorite things you share with your cats during the holidays? Let us know!

Until next time, be well and remember- Always Be Curious!


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