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  • Urgent Care- Feline Medicine Cabinet, Part II

Urgent Care- Feline Medicine Cabinet, Part II

Proboost, Humisol, and Coconut Oil- rebuild the immune system

In the last newsletter, we shared with you three of our top 6 items we keep in our feline medicine cabinet to help our cats through urgent- as well as chronic- health conditions. When getting to the vet is not an option, you need to know you can help your cat immediately when a situation arises. This is our discussion on the other three- Angstrom Sulfur, Silver water, and FeLife. And another reminder- we are NOT affiliates in any way with these products. We recommend them to you because they are powerful, safe, and effective.

Today we are going to cover long-term immune system builders- Humisol, Proboost, and coconut oil. We recently did a multi-part series on the benefits and uses of coconut oil found here and here, but it’s worth a mention for new subscribers as it is so affordable and useful.

Medicine Cabinet Item Number 4: HUMISOL

Humisol is an incredible tool to decrease viral load in the body. Maybe your cat suffers from FIV, FeLV, FIP, or maybe coughing, sneezing, or chronic skin issues. Antibiotics and steroids are the most common “go-to” for veterinarians to handle these issues, but the consequences for using them long term can be deadly. Why risk it? Humisol is a powder that can go in food or water daily.

How Does Humic Acid Work?

You often hear our immune system begins in our gut. Humic acid is an essential acid that aids digestion by nutritionally supporting healthy gut bacteria. Furthermore, humic acid binds to viruses to help flush them out of our bodies quickly by:

  1. Humic acid inhibits viruses from attaching to our cells by coating the receptor sites on the virus’ surface, so that the virus cannot attach and

    therefore cannot reproduce.

  2. Viruses have the ability to encapsulate themselves in an impenetrable protein barrier, where our body's defense mechanisms cannot reach them. Humic acid puts a coating around the virus and prevents the virus from adhering to healthy cells. The viruses then become vulnerable to attack by our body's own immune system.

  3. Humic acid also has the ability to alert our immune system to the virus or other pathogenic invader and regulate and strengthen the immune system. Humic acid has shown the ability to regulate the immune system and to suppress certain immune responses, while increasing others according to our body's needs. In essence, humic acid gives us Nature's important defense against viruses.

DOSE: We recommend starting off with .5 capsule daily, mixed in soft food or a little water for the first week, to allow the cat’s body to adjust slowly to the influx of minerals and avoid overload. Then increase to one capsule in food or water daily for the next 7-14 days, or until symptoms subside.

ALTERNATIVE: BEAM Minerals Humic acid- drop a capful in water daily for 2 weeks, then two weeks off, alternating every two weeks thereafter. They now have a feline line- we’ve always used the human version so the dosing may be slightly different.

Medicine Cabinet Item #5: PROBOOST

We can’t recommend this product enough, especially if your cat or kitten is immuno-compromised in any way. This was specifically designed for FIV cats and HIV humans in the late 1990’s, and worked really well. In fact, a little TOO well. While it is now sold in powder form as a supplement for humans, it was sold for many years for arthritic dogs and FIV cats under the brand LCTI. Feel free to do your research, but sometimes when something actually helps cure an illness, it gets harder and harder to continue selling it that way. Which is why it is sold to humans now under a different name. But the formula is still the same, and it still saves the thymus gland, which is the seat of all immunity in the body.

DOSE: .5 packet a day is all your cat or kitten needs, unless they are suffering advanced illnesses like FIP or FeLV, cancer, severe stomatitis, or hyperesthesia. In those cases, a packet a day for at least 30-60 days is best.

ALTERNATIVE: Collagen protein- 1-2 tsp a day per cat, ideally in lactose-free milk or soft food. Can also be mixed in over dry food (if cat is stuck on carbohydrates!) We use Bulletproof or Thrive market hydrolyzed collagen, but any quality brand will work.

Medicine Cabinet Item #6: Coconut Oil

We do not wish to over-state the importance-and uses- for coconut oil. After all, we have already talked about it in several other newsletters and how useful it is for cats suffering from everything from ear mites, to coughing to mouth issues and everything in between.

But for those who are new to our community, we wanted to make sure you saw all the benefits of this oil, especially if your cats or kittens have health challenges involving respiratory, oral, or gut issues. One of our kittens who lost an eye due to severe Feline Calicivirus (FCV) was able to regrow an eye with the help of topical application of coconut oil to her eye socket. It’s powerful, cheap, and effective. We buy it by the gallon from Tropical Traditions- the expeller-pressed virgin oil has no coconut/beach smell or taste to it. We love that!

We truly hope these product ideas serve you and your cats on their journey to wellness. Do you have any special items you just can’t live without to help your cats and kittens feel better? Hit “reply” and let us know! We are learning more every day how to better serve our loved ones, and would love to hear your experiences and share with the community!

Our next newsletter we will dive in to some helpful modalities that can soothe your feline family through some tough times that don’t get talked about near enough. Music, essential oils, and more.

Thanks so much for your time today, and we can’t wait to connect again Monday. Remember, do your own research, and Always Be Curious. Unit next time, be well.

This newsletter was brought to you by our lovely FeLV brothers, Sumi and Roscoe.


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